Famous Quotes from ...

John Dryden

  • To live at ease, and not be bound to think.... John Dryden {view}
  • When I consider life, 'tis all a cheat. Yet, fooled by hope, men favour the deceit; trust on, and think to-morrow will repay: to-morrow's falser than the former day.... John Dryden {view}
  • Love is not in our choice but in our fate.... John Dryden {view}
  • All heiresses are beautiful... John Dryden {view}
  • So softly death succeeded life in her, She did but dream of heaven, and she was there... John Dryden {view}
  • Death in itself is nothing; but we fear to be we know not what, we know not where.... John Dryden {view}
  • Let grace and goodness be the principal loadstone of thy affections. For love which hath ends, will have an end; whereas that which is founded on true virtue, will always continue.... John Dryden {view}
  • You see through love, and that deludes your sight, As what is straight seems crooked through the water.... John Dryden {view}
  • For politicians neither love nor hate.... John Dryden {view}